Sunday 1 May 2011

The Best Overall MMORPG

There are dozens of MMO's out there today, with a wide variety of, playstyle, difficulty, length, and just plain entertainment. With World of Warcraft being the #1 paid for MMO out there today, and RuneScape being the #1 free MMO, they are obviously the most well known. But are they the best? I want you guys to post a comment, with your opinion and thoughts of the best overall MMO out there today. You may even find a new game to play!


  1. world of warcraft hands down

  2. Well I played WoW the longest out of all of these, so I cant really say that it isn't the best one in my opinion, though its so extremely repetitive, and as much as they tried to force their expansion packs onto me, I just couldnt play them.

    I think the thing that made WoW so good was the fact that all my friends played it, so with that said, any MMO could be enjoyable if your questing with all your mates, WoW just happened to be the one we chose to play at the time.
